1D54D74C4B788B01A39CE8E6899019C7 Six films on Asia-Pacific communities addressing the climate crisis -->
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Six films on Asia-Pacific communities addressing the climate crisis

Watch films from the Philippines, India, Indonesia, and Cambodia

Originally published on Global Voices

Apayao community

A remote farming community in Apayao province, located in northern Philippines. Source: Cinemata

This playlist is from Cinemata, a platform for social and environmental films about the Asia-Pacific. It is a project of EngageMedia, a non-profit media, technology, and culture organization. This is edited and republished as part of a content-sharing agreement with Global Voices.

To mark the celebration of Earth Day on April 22, the Asia-Pacific-based video platform Cinemata has curated a selection of environmental films from the Asia-Pacific that feature stories of communities fighting against the adverse impact of the climate crisis and inspiring hope through their efforts and solidarity.

Philippines: “KalikaSan Tayo?”

“KalikaSan Tayo?” — a play on the Filipino words kalikasan (environment) and saan tayo (where are we going?) — is a travel vlog series produced by Greenpeace Philippines that tells the stories and experiences of Filipino island communities living under the constant threat of sea-level rise and other adverse impacts of climate change.

From stories of typhoon survivors finding innovative ways to avert future environmental disasters to residents protecting their communities and seeking climate justice, the videos amplify the voices of those on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

Learn more in this post.

Producer: Greenpeace Philippines
Country: Philippines

India: “Coral Woman”

Uma has been painting pictures of coral reefs for years, despite never having been underwater to see actual corals. At age 49, she learns how to dive and discovers hard truths about the state of coral reefs in India. Director Priya Thuvassery follows her on her journey as she confronts the realities countless marine ecosystems face today.

Learn more about the documentary and its impact campaign here.

Director: Priya Thuvassery
Country: India

Indonesia: “Hilangnya Rawa Tripa” (The Loss of the Tripa Swamp)

In Aceh, Indonesia, a community used to depend on the Tripa Swamp for their daily needs, but the burning of the forest has threatened their source of livelihood.

Producer: Aceh Documentary
Country: Indonesia

Philippines: “[S]ILAW: Isang Dokumentaryo”

For 20 years, a far-flung community in the Philippines’ Northern Cordillera region has benefited from electricity coming from clean and sustainable sources.

The short documentary [S]ILAW — a play on the Filipino words for “light” and “glare” – showcases the efforts and determination of the people of Katablangan to ensure reliable electricity in their community.

Director: Kodao Productions
Country: Philippines

Cambodia: “Our Land, Our Food”

In Kampong Thom, Cambodia, Ros Keal and her fellow villagers depend on the by-products from the community forest to prepare their family's daily meals, following their ancestors’ way of life. Recently, some of the usual vegetables once found in the wild have gone missing.

Our Land, Our Food was made by indigenous youth under “Docu Colab” of the Sunflower Film Organization's Let's Document Cambodia 2022 project.

Producer: Sunflower Film Organization
Country: Cambodia

Cambodia: “Plants of Life”

A herbalist by passion, Och To makes traditional medicine to heal Kouy villagers in Cambodia's Kampong Thom province. Climate change and deforestation, however, have made it harder for him to find the herbs and plants he needs from the forest.

Plants of Life was made by indigenous youth under “Docu Colab” of the Sunflower Film Organization's Let's Document Cambodia 2022 project.

Producer: Sunflower Film Organization
Country: Cambodia

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