1D54D74C4B788B01A39CE8E6899019C7 After being kidnapped and threatened, Mozambican YouTuber has his channel suspended -->
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After being kidnapped and threatened, Mozambican YouTuber has his channel suspended

Arsénio is one of the most famous YouTubers in Mozambique

Screenshot of the channel suspended, but the recovered on March 22.

After being kidnapped and later freed in early February, Mozambican YouTuber Arsénio Amós had his channel banned from the platform for allegedly violating the terms of service.

The violations that contributed to the exclusion of his channel were due to the simultaneous publication of thousands of videos. He claims that his channel was stolen, as he explained in a recent video.

Arsénio, or “Beleza em pessoa”, as he is known, is one of the most famous YouTubers in Mozambique whose channel, before its temporary suspension, had more than 80 thousand followers.

In early February, he was kidnapped for 24 hours, before he was freed by the police. Until today, Joe Williams, who claims to be a prophet, is in detention, suspected of ordering the kidnapping.

Days before his kidnapping, Arsénio published a video accusing Mozambique‘s self-proclaimed prophets of illicit enrichment. In one of the videos, he addressed the irregularities in the religious activities of Joe Williams

Before recovering the channel on March 22, YouTube displayed a warning alerting that the account has been suspended.

The channel was recovered with only two videos — most of the videos were removed. He still awaits Youtube's permission to upload videos on the channel.

Many people commented about the suspension of Arsénio's channel, mainly to support the YouTuber to continue his work.

But other people said that the YouTuber is being punished for defaming Joe Williams:

Valeu para tanto. O mal paga-se a mal. Quando prejudica a vida de alguém sem motivo, Deus usa uma outra pessoa para recompensar e pagar teus erros. Se vivias a custa deste canal, dias tens para viver momentos ruins. Finalmente pagaste teus erros.

Thanks for so much. You are paying for your mistake. When you harm someone's life for no reason, God uses someone else to reward and pay for your mistakes. If you were dependent on this channel, you have to live bad times. You finally paid for your mistakes.

On March 12, the YouTuber announced on Facebook that he created a new channel, which so far has about 2 thousand followers:

As nossas quedas servem de combustível para revelar o quão fortes nós somos e o quão capazes somos de quebrar uma montanha 🗻.
Olha para a sua tristeza como uma grande porta 🚪 pra a felicidade.
A sua cabeça fica em cima 👆 e nunca em baixo 👇
Por isso, foco nos sonhos, projectos etc e vamos a luta.
Inscreva-se no meu mais recente canal

Our defeats serve as fuel to reveal how strong we are and how capable we are of breaking a mountain.

Look at your sadness as a great door to happiness.

Your head is up  and never down

So, focus on dreams, projects etc and let's fight.

Subscribe to my latest channel

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