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Rune Spirit Warrio insurancegroups.ga

I get numerous solicitations getting some information about how to turn into a Rune Soul Warrior.

Before I clarify how, I should state that it takes an extraordinary sort of individual to turn into a Rune Soul Warrior. It takes one who can consider some fresh possibilities of the normal individual.

Considering, "outside of the crate," is a term being utilized by the individuals who comprehend that humanity has entered Another Age and we have another arrangement of laws and guidelines to manage our lives.

The New Age is known as the Time of Aquarius and the new worldview is known as the Laws of Quantum Material science. We, as a race of individuals living on the planet Earth, are currently living in an altogether new spot in the System. Our entire Close planetary system has turned thirty degrees around our Galactic Sun. We call this thirty degree development "Ages" and they Keep going for around 2000 years. The people of yore considered it the Precession of the Equinox.

The last extraordinary Age, was known as the Period of Pisces and Christianity has ruled for as long as 2000 years. It was a period for religious guideline.

Presently and the following multi year, the brain of man will do the decision. It is the Age of the Psyche, not the Feelings.

Our Runes and Northern Pantheon of Divine beings/Goddesses exists. They have dependably existed. However at this point we should carry them into the Period of Aquarius. We can do this as a Rune Soul Warrior and by utilizing our psyches rather than our physical muscles.

We should refresh our ceremonies, our rune works and our musings. We would now be able to figure out how to do this while sitting serenely and alone in our preferred armchair.

We don't need to go to the to the forested areas any increasingly (except if we need to) and practice blotchs and customs. We needn't bother with Asatru Godies to guide us. The period of utilizing mediators among ourselves and our god power is past. This is the Time of "I Know."

This new age has set in our grasp the ability to make our own Rune Reality and the ability to bring our Divine beings/Goddesses forward into the 21st Century.

We can do this all from the psychological plane of presence. Not just has our Close planetary system and planet moved into another plane of presence around our Galactic Sun, yet the battle for the survival of our European Genealogical Soul has moved to the psychological plane of presence.

Never again would we be able to fight with the individuals who might demolish our way of life, our predecessors and an our Northern Legacy, with swords and tomahawks, we should do it with our psyches.

They are utilizing their psyches through the controlling gadget of television, Cell Towers, government funded educational systems and the media, to pulverize the brain of our kids and terrific youngsters by wiping out all hints of their way of life and supplanting it with different societies.

Presently we have a psychological weapon to utilize. Not to wreck or dispose of different societies but rather to battle to keep our own from getting to be wiped out and particular.

This weapon is the Laws of Quantum Material science. These Laws disclose to us that there exists an unending Sea of reasoning, clever vitality called the Quantum Sea. Our folklore calls it Mimir's Well.

In this sea everything that at any point was, is or will be exists. There is no time there, just the Now. There is no space there, just the Here.

The Runes, our Divine beings/Goddesses, our way of life, our Hereditary Soul all exist there. We as individual spirits inside the Norther Hereditary Soul live there.

Like clockwork or so we should refresh and reclassify our associations with the Runes and our Tribal Soul.

The main steady in the entire Universe is Change. We should change from swords, tomahawks and multi year old authoritative opinion to the new personality level presence.

We should refresh the language of the Eddas and our customs into the present language. We should make it basic and reasonable for everybody.

The Period of Privileged insights and riddles is past. The Age of the Brain is here.

Odin did not find the Runes. He re-found them. When he swung from the tree for nine frosty evenings and days the passage to Mimir's Well (Quantum Sea) opened up to him and he came to in and got the Runes.

However, the Runes dependably existed there. They are keys to the General Energies of Creation. They are amazing assets that completely change yourself in enormous ways.

Right now is an ideal opportunity for you and I to by and by venture into Mimir's Well and rediscover the Runes and our Genealogical Soul and deliver sparkling with new light and comprehension of this New Age.

In the event that you might want to lean progressively about turning into a Rune Soul Warrior, email me.

Ragnar Storyteller (Otherwise known as Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his better half Lory and puppy Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a resigned math educator and gadgets engineer. He is the designer of the straightforward radionics gadget called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator". He has composed more than 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum material science, viking history, orgone generators and interchange recuperating strategies. Ragnar is 70+ however looks 50's gratitude to his innovations. You can see a greater amount of his takes a shot at his site: Ragnar Storyteller's un-See amazing information about space and NASA's most important summons in recent pots go to link https://www.spaseinsurancegroups.ga 
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